ATLANTIC BUG BUSTERS INC, 1574 Scales Pond Road, Freetown, PE, C0B 1L0, others .....

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Status: Active
State: Prince Edward Island
Post: C0B 1L0
City: Freetown
Address: 1574 Scales Pond Road
Phone: 902-887-2653
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: David Kennedy
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 7342 Industry group: Business Services, Business category: Disinfecting and Pest Control Services
Employees: 5 to 9
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): $500,000 to $1 million
Overall: ATLANTIC BUG BUSTERS INC is a business categorized under disinfecting and pest control services, which is part of the larger category business services. ATLANTIC BUG BUSTERS INC is located at the address 1574 Scales Pond Road in Freetown, Prince Edward Island C0B 1L0. The Owner is David Kennedy who can be contacted at 902-887-2653.
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