ISLAND BAKING & MILLING, Route 204, Belle River, PE, C0A 1B0, others .....

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Status: Active
State: Prince Edward Island
Post: C0A 1B0
City: Belle River
Address: Route 204
Phone: 902-659-2443
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Steve Knechtel
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 5461 Industry group: Food Stores, Business category: Retail Bakeries
Employees: 1 to 4
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): Up to $500,000
Overall: ISLAND BAKING & MILLING is a business categorized under retail bakeries, which is part of the larger category food stores. ISLAND BAKING & MILLING is located at the address Route 204 in Belle River, Prince Edward Island C0A 1B0. The Owner is Steve Knechtel who can be contacted at 902-659-2443.
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